Certified Flight Instructor Program
Introduction A Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) rating is required in order to teach students, and many pilots start their helicopter flying careers as flight instructors. During this training you will become even more proficient in your flying, and you will practice talking through and demonstrating the maneuvers as you would when teaching a student.
While there is no FAA requirement for flight time to attain a CFI beyond those of a commercial license, trainees should plan on at least 20 hours of instruction and significant investment in overall knowledge of helicopter flying and regulations. Course Approximate Costs*Requires prior completion of the Commercial Pilot Program.
Certified Instrument Flight Instructor Program
IntroductionA Certified Flight Instructor - Instrument (CFII) rating will enable you to instruct students as they earn either their instrument ratings or their CFII. A CFII rating is useful for maintaining instrument flying skills and meeting cross country and night requirements for future employers. CFII applicants must have a CFI rating already.
There is no flight time required beyond the hours necessary for your initial instrument and CFI ratings except for the 3 hours of flight time for preparation for the exam. Typically students take 5 to 10 hours to attain their CFII. Course Approximate Costs*
*Meets FAA minimums. Actual training time will vary.